Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hand Towels

I apologize for the lack of posts this weekend. My birthday was Easter weekend so we were very busy, but I did find time to make these cute crochet hand towels:

Funny story I have had these towels for 4yrs, I've had them all ready to crochet I just never got around to it! Honestly I had completely forgotten about them, until I was cleaning the our back bedroom (for the in-laws) and found them again and decided it was about time I worked on them. I had the green, yellow and pink yarn and went out and got some purple. I think they turned out darling, I love the bright fresh spring colors!

I will be doing a tutorial for these soon so keep an eye out!

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating



  1. Sweet. I have always wanted to know how to make these.

  2. Aw, they look so springy and happy! I'm in awe of anyone who can crochet or knit...not in my list of abilities as all! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love these, I have a ton that my mom made me ( I totally wear them out)and they always come in so handy for the kitchen. Can't wait for your tut so I can make some of my own.

  4. I love these and their bright colors! So cute! I cant wait to see a tutorial!

    Found you through Chic on a Shoestring!


    PS- I am hosting a giveaway actually on my blog right now for a free crochet pattern of your choice and would love for you to come enter!
