Saturday, April 30, 2011

T-Shirt flare

Last summer my mom and I were going through an Annie's Attic catalog and saw these cute t-shirts that had been crocheted around the sleeves, bottom, and neck. We decided they didn't look that complicated and figured out how to do it ourselves.  I found some cute shirts at Wal-Mart for a couple of bucks and made this:
 I decided to leave the neck line alone cause it already had a cute style to it and I didn't want to take away from that.
There's those Spring colors again, they just create such happiness. I crocheted another shirt that had flowers on it with yellow thread for Ellie, she is currently bein a big turkey and won't let me take a pic up of her in it, when she decides to corporate I will had the photo.

1 comment:

  1. This turned out really cute! I love personalized clothes!
    Thank you so much for linking up to {nifty thrifty sunday}!
    I hope to see you again this week! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}
