Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's been awhile since I posted, I don't have any crafts going on at the moment but felt the need to post anyway. I have been busy gearin up for the Idaho trip, we leave next week {EEEEK} so excited to see family and friends. A really good friend of mine is going to be visiting her family around the same time I am so we have lot's of plans!!! I seriously can't wait.

I have also being dealing with crabby neighbors and their irresponsible kids, hopefully the issue is solved and they will no longer think I am trying to be "hateful"(their word not mine) to them. Anyway they weather here has been beautiful and I am in the mood to paint something, I don't know if I will actually get to it, it I do I will post it ASAP. I hope you all are having a good week and I promise I will work on some crafty posts.

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