Monday, July 11, 2011

My mom and I weren't very motivated this year to get things sewn, it also didn't help that her serger kamikazed off the sewing table and onto the floor! Good news though, because my mom's serger bit the dust I was able to get mine serviced FINALLY so I will probably be sewing lot's of fun stuff, especially since school is on the horizon and my kids new some new clothes! I also got some really cute fabric for dresses for the girls I seriously can't wait I can picture them in my head and can't wait to make them reality. I also scored on patterns at Joann's they had their McCall's Patterns on sell for 99 cents SCORE, the limit was 10 so of course I got the limit, I got a variety of patterns this time from Halloween, to home decor, to girls dresses so I'm excited to dig in and use them!

Aside from sewing my mom and I did get 3 quilts together ok so it was mainly my mom's doin, I helped tie my sons, and I helped border the girls but other than that it was all her, she is so AWESOME. She worked down to the wire too and when I mean down to the wire I mean she was workin on them as I was packing my car to come home, she did everything but get them tied I figured I could borrow a quilt frame from someone and finish them. My mom also made some super cute dresses for my girls, and I learned a new adorable sewing treatment!

I crocheted myself a skirt, and a cute little bear cocoon (not for me). I have been workin on some more crocheted stuff for a boutique in August! I have so much I want to do in the next few months I have chairs to recover, a table to paint, a kitchen to make over and 2 bedrooms (one of which is my sewing room) to make over, so keep an eye out for all the fun things to come! Not to mention that hand towel tutorial I promised! I do have pictures of the things I mentioned above, I will get them posted ASAP!

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