Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mardi Gras Bird Mask

I'm sorry I've been MIA this week I have been busy work on this mardi gras bird mask for my niece!

About a week or so ago my sister emailed me and asked if I could make this mask for her youngest for a Halloween costume, of course I said sure no problem HA! I had no idea what I was getting myself into!!!

I did the easiest part of the mask first the feathers! The mask itself was a pain in my BUM and I'll tell ya why cause it was an adult pattern and it needed to fit my 6 yr old niece! So I had to figure out how to make decrease it to make it fit On top of having to adjust the pattern I also had to deal with the color of the mask, see my niece Cort wanted it in silver and pink which I thought would be fine cause this time of year you can usually find crochet thread in silver, well I was WRONG!! I found it in size 5 & 3 but not 10 which of course was the size I needed soooooo I was SOL.... or was I!?

I came up with a solution I went ahead and used white for the mask and the large feathers:

I remember I had some metallic silver acrylic paint, so I pulled it out added some to a container of HOT water till I got the color I wanted:

Then I added the mask and feathers made sure they were completely covered & let them soak for a few hrs:

Took them out & lightly dabbed them then let them dry, once dry I soaked them again cause I wanted it a little darker.

There were some area's that got a little darker than others but I knew the feathers would cover it so I didn't worry.  Once done I starched the crap outta the mask and feathers and glued it together! In the end I got the result I wanted!

Cort wanted it to have glitter on it and boy did I put glitter on it, like the whole dang can of glitter this sucker is GLITTERFIED!!!!

The pictures don't really do it justice I really tried to get a good picture showing it in all it's glitter glory BUT every time I put in in direct sun light the sun would glare off of it, I will keep tryin at least before I send it to TURKEY yup that's right this baby is goin to Turkey so I really only have till Monday to try and get a good glittery picture!

I am the best SISTER and AUNT EVER if I do say so myself!! I really love how it turned out and now that I have adjusted the pattern I can easily make another one, that doesn't mean I will it just means I can HA!!

1 comment:

  1. Those who already have their feathery costume might as well make their own bird mask by following the steps of this DIY tutorial!
