Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A troll

My oldest daughter wants to be a troll for Halloween, to be specific she wanted to be the "mean,ugly,stinky troll"from Earnest Scared stupid, yup that's right she wanted to be this:

(image souce)

I was talking to a friend about it and she suggested doing something more a long the lines of this;

(image source)

I thought "dang why didn't I think of that!?", I wasn't sure if Ryne would go for it I talked to her about it and she wasn't sure sooooo I googled it! I love Google, I pulled up TONS of images she was totally thrilled I was jumping for joy inside I mean if my daughter is gonna be a troll at least she can be a cute, friendly non-stinky one! So she decided she wants to be a 1950's troll.

I happened to have a poodle skirt pattern so I just needed to get some felt and it just so happens that Joann's is having a sale right now there felt is $2.99 yd instead of $4.99 SCORE!! So Saturday Ryne and I went to Joann's and got her fabric she chose a dark purple, once home I went to work.

The skirt was super duper easy to throw together, the pattern had a choice of a poodle, guitar with notes, cat,or Schnauzer to go on the front of the skirt I knew what Ryne was gonna choose before I even asked her! She chose the cat in case you were wonderin, so I cut out the cat out of some fuchsia felt scraps I had on hand. In the picture that cat was all sparkly do to the sequins that were glued on it, so of course she wanted it to be sparkly but since I didn't have the time, resources or patience to do sequins I used some spray glitter left over from this project, I used some beaded trim for the collar, and blue oval gems I had on hand for the eyes.

We went to Goodwill and found a couple of button up collared shirts for $1.98 for both of them SCORE again! They are a little big but it won't take much  to alter them to fit her, there's a light purple (pictured) one and a fuchsia one I wasn't sure which on we would like with the skirt so we just got both. And luckily we had a full slip from her Alice and Wonderland costume from last year, so I didn't need to make one, although I think I might add another layer to it and make it just a little fuller.

I have a plan for her hair and it's gonna look totally AWESOME, she is thrilled with her outfit and so am I especially since we only spent around $6! Two costumes down one to go, so far I have spent around $8 for both the girls costumes. Kaleb is still undecided so as soon as I know what he's gonna be I will get started!


  1. awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks.

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  2. Can't wait to see it w/ the hair. Thanks for linking up. On a side note "Earnest goes to Camp" was my first date-weird but true so I have a special place for him.
