Yesterday was picture day at the kids school, normally I am on top of things and I have out fits, accessories & hair styles planned weeks in advance. But this time I completely forgot till the night before, luckily my mom just sent the kids new clothes but my daughter quickly realized she didn't have a hair accessory to match so being the awesome mom I am I stayed up half the night to make this;
I used #3 crochet thread in white to do the flowers then I sc around 2 of them with #10 variegated purple crochet thread added some f aux pearl beads and called them good. Crocheting the 3 big flowers was the easy part!
Ok so the only headband I had was pink and that wasn't gonna work, so I had this brilliant idea that I would wrap crochet thread around the headband I mean really how hard can it be!? Yeah let me just say this NEVER AGAIN!!!
This process took FOREVER (said like the kid in The Sandlot)!!!! Seriously it took me an hr just to cover the
stupid lovely headband, when I got half way around I decided the half that was gonna have the flower's didn't need to be super pretty so I through the perfect technique out the window and wrapped as quickly as my hands could wrap. Once that task was done I hot glued the flowers onto some felt and added them to the headband, I was really happy with the results and so was Ryne she thrilled!!
Now to wait and see how school pics turned out!
Tatertots & Jello
Your flowers are beautiful. I love to crochet and would love the pattern. I can imagine that wrapping that thread around the headband must have been quite tedious.