Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Teacher Gifts

My kids last day of school is tomorrow, I really wanted to do something for their teachers and for my sons aide who has been fantastic with him. Well things got away from me and I didn't do anything until today, I got on pinterest and picked out a couple ideas that were simple and easy. I have to say I LOVE free printables!

The first one I started on was for Kaleb's kindergarten teacher, I wanted to do something bright and fun that she could hang in her classroom, I found THIS free subway art printable and new exactly what I wanted to do. I liked her idea of using the clip board but I wanted to add to it so I painted the clip board red (well at least the parts your gonna see)

 I printed the subway art on photo paper and then modge podged it onto the board. Once it was on all smooth I put a top coat of modge podge on it.

 While that dried I moved onto the one for Ryne's teacher, I found THIS printable and got a few ideas. First thing first I found an old frame sanded it then painted it black (sorry no pics of the next few steps) then I ruffed it up a little exposing the white a little.

While the black frame dried I found another printable HERE. I edited it so it had Kaleb's name, printed it out and glued it to a stick. I had my hubby pick up some little flowers at the 99 cent store, my son and I added them to this pot thingy I had, put on some ribbon that my son picked out (blue is his aides favorite color), I added an extra blue ribbon to the printable and stuck it in the dirt and there ya have it a cute gift for his aide.

1 down 2 to go! Next I went back to the clip board and added the final touches a couple of crocheted apples, a couple of pencils with a cute rainbow ribbon bow, erasers and a big yellow star button. I think it turned out cute! Kaleb was very proud and said his teacher is going to love it!

1 left! I put the printable (that I printed on photo paper) into the frame added some red rick rack to make the printable pop and some crocheted apples and that's it! Ryne wanted green apples cause her teachers name is Ms. Green and her favorite color is green, she helped me place them on the frame. 

 So there ya have it our end of the year teacher gifts.The nice thing is I used things I already had the total cost of all 3 was $4, $1 for a package of 6 erasers and $1 each for the flowers. The kids are pleased Ryne said with delight "You are the coolest mom EVER you make the COOOOOOOOLEST things!!!" I hope the teachers are just as happy!

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