Saturday, May 14, 2011

PURPLE Elephants on parade!

A month or so ago Micheal's was having a sell on their Peaches & Cream yarn, so I got stocked up. I finally decided to get it out, and created this fun "Ellie"phant as my oldest calls it. Instead of embroidering the eyes like I did on the here and here, I decided to go with button eyes (cause I was lazy experimenting) which after watching this movie seems totally wrong.

I'm not sure what my oldest will think, she is terrified of that movie, heck I'm terrified of that movie! My hubby didn't listen when I told him it wasn't a kid movie, apparently I don't know jack cause he bi-passed my opinion and let them watch it anyway. He learned quickly that it was a BIG MISTAKE! 

Ok back to the subject at hand purple elephants. 
What do ya think? Creepy or cute? Should I loose the buttons and embroider the eyes?


  1. I don't think the buttons are too creepy at all. I have always wanted to try crocheting an elephant (or any animal) but I always chicken out! Good job!

  2. How adorable!! Cute!
    Thank you so much for sharing this @ {nifty thrifty sunday} last week!
    Hope to see you again tomorrow! :)
    xoxo from Germany,
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}
