Sunday, November 6, 2011

I know this is a week late but here's a pic from Halloween, the kids all decked out in there costumes with hair and make up!

So from left to right my son Kaleb as Jack Sparrow I mean CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow (he kept correcting everyone!), my youngest Ellie as a sweet little Gypsy, and my oldest Ryne as a 1950's troll!! I will be blogging about my sons costume soon, even those it's after the holiday, I will also be doing a tutorial on how I did my oldest daughters hair! Totally cost of all 3 costumes was drum roll please $11.56 how awesome is that!? I have to say I was pretty proud of that.

I have tons of projects to post about, mostly things I made a boutique and other things as well, I think I have enough stuff to blog about everyday for a month of finished projects, not to mention ones I am currently working on, so get ready for all that. I think I might even have a Christmas giveaway which I will reveal in the next week or so!

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